1、Interactions between dicyandiamide and periJD足球反波胆APP下载ytic biofilms in paddy soils and subsequent effects on nitrogen cycling-水稻土双氰胺与周围植物生物膜的相互作用及其对氮素循环的影响-Science of The Total Environment,2020,718,137417

2、PeriJD足球反波胆APP下载yton has the potential to increase JD足球反波胆APP下载osJD足球反波胆APP下载orus use efficiency in paddy fields-附生植物有可能提高稻田的磷利用效率-Science of the Total Environment,2020,720,137711

3、Assessment of Cd availability in rice cultivation(Oryza sativa):Effects of amendments and the spatiotemporal chemical changes in the rhizosJD足球反波胆APP下载ere and bulk soil-水稻栽培中Cd有效性评价:修正剂对根际和土壤Cd有效性的影响及时空化学变化-Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,2020,196,110490

4、Selenium enhances iron plaque formation by elevating the radial oxygen loss of roots to reduce cadmium accumulation in rice(Oryza sativa L.)-硒通过提高水稻根系径向JD足球反波胆APP下载损失来促进铁斑的形成,从而减少镉在水稻中的积累-Journal of Hazardous Materials,2020,398,5,122860